Bravo 5001 F Raft Kayak Foot Pump is the Ten Dollar Foot Pump, your basic big box store foot bellows. This one is made at Scoprega where the Bravo’s are, but everything is lighter duty. The bellows fabric is coated but not as thick as the regular Bravo pump fabric, the hose is not reinforced like most of the others, the bellows plates are thinner, and the springs and hinges are not as strong. Despite all this it is better than many low end models, and it actually pops back to shape faster than any other foot bellows we sell, so you can really inflate quite quickly with it. Unless you own an unreinforced vinyl Sevylor or Intex boat the Ten Dollar Pump should never be your primary inflator. If you already have a good pump though and only need a light weight back-up unit this may be fine. Being small, it is a bit easier to stash in a drybag if you want something to take down the river in your i.k.

Please note that this Bravo 5001 F Raft Kayak Foot Pump does not include the set of six adaptor cones the other Bravos come with, and also note that we do have a $25 minimum order. The Ten Dollar Pump is 4.5 liters per stroke.