Salamander’s new Top Off hand pump is almost identical in size to the very popular K-Pump K-100, and the price can’t be beat. It is 3” X 22” overall, weighs 2.3 pounds, and features a bungie retainer for the plunger grip. There is no stow bag like the K-pumps have, but that is part of the reason the cost is lower. The hard rubber conical tip is awesome and fits pretty much every valve we tried it on. With a few types, there is a small chance you may need to trim (shorten) it by a tiny bit using a sharp knife. If you want to be sure it will work with your inflatable just let us know what type of valves you have, or email us a photo of them if you are unsure of the brand.

Salamander Top Off Hand Pump 3 inch USE
Three inch diameter pumps of this length are not really intended for large boats, even though some rafters use them. If you want something for a big boat that’s slim, easy to operate, with good output pressure, the longer K200 K-Pump model (found in this section of our site) is more functional for rafts over 11’. This Salamander Top Off pump is ideal for inflatable kayaks, smaller rafts & marine inflatables, as well as for inflating SUP’s up most of the way.
Maintenance for Salamander Top Off Hand Pump 3 inch
All cylinder pumps require grease, and this one is best stowed inside a drybag (or at least rolled up in a large plastic bag) when you carry it down the river. This will prevent water from getting inside and congealing the grease. All that’s needed to re-grease the Salamander is to remove the set screw on the top cap, and tap the cap off. Axle grease can be used, though white lithium or silicon based greases work better since they are less viscous. Once a year is normally often enough for regreasing. There is also a spare O-ring inside the body down at the bottom. Retrieving it usually requires a bent coat hanger wire.
Although this is quite new Salamander always produced quality products, and the construction of this one looks as good as the K-Pumps. The slighter higher weight also indicates the material is thicker and perhaps a bit stronger. In addition to this hand pump, we have a new Shorty stand-up model from Salamander listed separately in this section of our site.